
Se afișează postări din septembrie, 2018

Good news: Sports Activator is approved!

In April we applied to Sport Small Collaborative Partnerships, an action of Erasmus+ programme, and we were informed by the Executive Agency that the project is approved!  Sports Activator (SpAct) is a small collaborative partnerships project with 3 main activities, involving 8 non-profit private and public partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Turkey.  The aim of Sports Activator is to raise the awareness on the value of sport and physical activity in relation to the personal, social and professional development of individuals. To achieve this aim, the projects has to accomplish the following objectives: To build a transnational network in the field of sport by organizing one transnational seminar among 33 youth workers, facilitators, trainers, teachers, coaches, volunteers, staff involved in sports clubs from Europe, youth passionate about sports, from Romania, Greece, Portugal, Bulgaria and Turkey, in order to create a toolbox with methods, instruments, good

Schimbul de tineri: Let's stand up for tolerance

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Project Let's stand up for tolerance will encourage young people to be more tolerant to other nationalities, races, ethnic minorities, migrants and other groups. We want to spread awareness that we all have equal human rights. We will learn about hate speech, its manifestation and effects. As the largest channel through which hate speech is spread we will also learn about media and internet. We will learn of critical reading of media content.  During the project we will run the campaign to promote tolerance and combating hate speech. Youth exchange will be implemented between 28th of September and 6th of October 2018 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia and will bring together 36 youth and youth workers from Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Romania and Portugal. Project will also include youth with fewer opportunities. Participants will gain wider range of competences. They will improve their knowledge of foreign languages, improve their intercultural cooperation, meet n

Invitaţie la Folcloristica, ediţia a IV-a

Dragi prieteni,  Avem plăcerea să vă invităm la ediţia a IV-a a Festivalului Folcloristica, ce va avea loc în acest an, la Tomeşti, jud. Iaşi, în perioada 15-16 septembrie 2018. Cu sprijinul partenerilor noştri: Asociaţia Youth Alma şi Primăria Tomeşti, vom organiza un festival folcloric altfel, integrând metode de educaţie non-formală, experienţe ale proiectelor Erasmus+ în care suntem implicaţi, vom scoate la rampă talentele locale şi vom descoperi patrimoniul cultural al satelor ieşene.  Invitaţia se adresează :  1.  Meşterilor , adică acelor persoane ce au un talent sau o pasiune în meşterit, de exemplu: împletit, gătit, ţesut, pielărie, pictat, gătit etc., dispuşi să împărtăşească cu participanţii la festival câteva dintre tainele pasiunilor lor. 2.  Artiştilor - persoane talentate în arte folclorice: dans, cântec, muzică, teatru, tradiţii de iarnă etc. 3. Şcolilor şi elevilor ce doresc să se implice în proiecte Erasmus+ şi să-şi prezinte talentele şi resursele.  4.