
Se afișează postări cu eticheta Slovenia

Bun Comun: Un nou proiect de promovare a zonei Târgu Frumos

Suntem încântați să anunțăm că împreună cu partenerii noștri din Portugalia și Slovenia, precum și cu o echipă multiculturală de artiști internaționali, vom realiza în următorul an un proiect de promovare a patrimoniului cultural din Târgu Frumos și comunele limitrofe.  Alături de Folcloristica, acest proiect reprezintă o călătorie culturală de descoperire a bogăției județului Iași. Scopul nostru este să descoperim și să promovăm acei oameni creatori și muncitori, acele meserii și tradiții uitate, acele locuri frumoase și neștiute.  Vor rezulta o hartă comună România - Slovenia - Portugalia, o colecție de materiale foto-video de promovare, iar 12 dintre oamenii resursă descoperiți, vor fi invitați să realizeze ateliere destinate unui public multicultural, devenind parte dintr-un ghid și traseu turistic local pe care îl vom promova pe termen lung.  Primul pas în această aventură este nominalizarea. Dacă aveți sugestii cu privire la oameni, tradiții, produse și locuri deosebite care meri

Great news from Slovenia!

On 22. 02. 2022, the Park Theatre in Murska Sobota hosted the award ceremony of the mayor's awards to volunteers who were the most self-sacrificing and most dedicated to the implementation of voluntary work in the Municipality of Murska Sobota in 2021. In the Best Voluntary Event category, the special commission selected several voluntary campaigns carried out by Društvo kreativne mladine as part of the #JoinUs project (Erasmus+ Youth in Action). The voluntary event proposed by the association took place as part of an international youth exchange with the title "#JoinUs", from 23rd of July to 1st of August 2021 at Hodoš and Murska Sobota. 44 participants from Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Romania and Germany, aged between 14 and 30, took part in the project's activities. They prepared activities and voluntary actions. Their activities included getting to know volunteering through various examples of good practices, and in concrete work actions they v

Invitation to XI. International Conference »Food, Exercise And Health« 25 - 27 November 2020 at Ris Rakičan Castle

Our Slovenian partner,  Ris Rakičan Castle, is organizing an international conference for the youth and interested persons in the field of  food, exercise, health and education. More information in the bellow invitation.    We would like to inform you that we are organizing the XI. International conference titled »Food, exercise and health«, which will take place from 25th of November to 27th of November 2020 online with Zoom conference. With this conference, we wish to address different experts, especially those in the field of educational practice, health, social care, economy, non-governmental organizations, as well as other interested professional public, with the main goal to make an important contribution to modern methods and forms of work in these fields. We are inviting you to attend our conference as an expert in your field, thus contributing to the academic discourse and improving the quality of our conference. We kindly ask you to send this invitation to your colleagues who

New project approved! Join Us in Slovenia

We are happy to inform you that the follow-up project 'Join Us', developed and coordinated by our Slovenian partner, Društvo Kreativne Mladine, got approved. At the moment, the planned dates are in October, but the date is not fixed yet as we must see how the Covid-19 will evolve in the next period. For now we invite you to check the project details and if you want to attend it, fill in this form . ABOUT THE PROJECT What do you want to achieve by implementing the project? What are the objectives of your project? Our project seeks to make young people aware of the noble aspects of volunteering. At the same time, we wish to underline the benefits of volunteering for young people. Through volunteering, we strengthen our competences and further develop ourselves. In addition, volunteering uncovers what it really means to be human and what it means to receive help when one really needs it. Those who do good are rewarded, it is often said. This is also why we wish contribute to mor

Breaking down borders

‘Volunteers without Borders’ an Erasmus+ Youth in Action project was located in the Mansion Rakičan near Murska Sobota, Slovenia. The project was held between 30th September and 8th October 2019, involving 37 Slovenian, Romanian, Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Estonian young people between 17 and 30 years old from different backgrounds and institutions. The main goals of the project were to familiarize participants with the concept of volunteering and the impact on the local environment, to develop their self-esteem and confidence and to get to know vulnerable groups including minorities of the Pomurje region, which the project helped through volunteering. The activities involved learning about volunteering work through practical examples. By connecting with the local environment, the participants of the project created activities that will have a positive impact on the people and their surroundings.  “The work you have done is very nice and I am proud to have international v

Testimoniale: The World of Roma, Slovenia

În perioada 8-16 noiembrie, un grup de tineri din Zmeu şi Lungani, au participat la schimbul de tineri finanţat de programul Erasmus+ şi organizat de RIS Slovenia, la castelul Rakican. Mai jos puteţi citi impresiile lor despre această primă experienţă de mobilitate.  "Am plecat la drum joi 07.11.2019, cu mult curaj și cu dorința de a descoperi noi aventuri. După mai bine de 30 de ore de călătorie, cu pauze de câte 2-3 ore prin Cluj-Napoca sau Budapesta, am ajuns în Rakican. Abia așteptam să facem un duș și să dormim, planul era bine pus la punct de pe traseu, dar surpriză, dormitorul era unul mare, foarte mare și era pentru toți participanții, adică 36 de oameni într-o singură camera pe paturi mobile și o singură baie pentru a face duş. Primul sentiment?! Hai acasă, nu se poate una ca asta, dar ușor, ușor ne-am acomodat, am făcut și duş, am dormit puțin și după ne-am distrat împreună. A devenit plăcut să fim împreună. A doua zi am prezentat gustări din ţara noastră, fiecare ț

YE: Is tourism the answer for a better future?

ABOUT THE PROJECT   At the youth exchange "is tourism the answer for a better future?" youngsters from 5 different countries (Slovenia, Turkey, Croatia, Bulgaria and Romania) will come together to learn about tourism and the development of our regions from where we are coming from. Europe still didn't recover from the world financial crisis. The youngsters are still afraid of their future, because the employers are searching for young people that are 23 years old but they should have 20 - 30 years of experience. We all know that this is not possible. On the other side, young people still don't get the chance to prove themselves to the local community that they are strong enough to manage something new and big. Tourism is one of the most fastest growing industries in the world. People will always travel, because time of traveling got shorter, traveling got more comfortable and even the whole traveling got cheap and almost everyone can afford it now. We will expl

Schimbul de tineri: Let's stand up for tolerance

ABOUT THE PROJECT: Project Let's stand up for tolerance will encourage young people to be more tolerant to other nationalities, races, ethnic minorities, migrants and other groups. We want to spread awareness that we all have equal human rights. We will learn about hate speech, its manifestation and effects. As the largest channel through which hate speech is spread we will also learn about media and internet. We will learn of critical reading of media content.  During the project we will run the campaign to promote tolerance and combating hate speech. Youth exchange will be implemented between 28th of September and 6th of October 2018 in Murska Sobota, Slovenia and will bring together 36 youth and youth workers from Slovenia, Poland, Greece, Romania and Portugal. Project will also include youth with fewer opportunities. Participants will gain wider range of competences. They will improve their knowledge of foreign languages, improve their intercultural cooperation, meet n

7 months EVS program in a Slovenian castle

Căutăm un tânăr activ, interesat să desfăşoare un stagiu de voluntariat pentru 7 luni, în castelul Rakican, din Slovenia, în perioada decembrie 2017 - iunie 2018. Proiectul se numeşte "PLANT A TREE – GROW A LIFE”, este organizat de Centrul de Cercetare și Educație Dvorec Rakičan (RIS Dvorec Rakican) şi este finanţat de Erasmus Plus. Pentru a aplica, vă rugăm să ne trimiteţi un CV şi o scrisoare de intenţie pe adresa În acest moment, castelul găzduieşte alţi 3 voluntari români. Mai multe detalii, mai jos. Requirements: between 18-30 y.o. never participated in a long-term activity supported by Erasmus+ pro-active position, ability to work independently interest in environmental protection Opportunities : implementing his/her own project experiencing work in transnational projects with partners all around Europe   perfecting teamwork and shared responsibilities   learning Slovenian, improving English language skills strengthening communication

EVS la castel, în Slovenia

Dacă ai între 18 şi 30 de ani, te invităm să devii voluntar în proiectul internaţional: „PLANT A TREE – GROW A LIFE”. Proiectul este finanţat prin Programul Erasmus Plus, măsura SEV (Serviciul European de Voluntariat), şi este găzduit de Centrul de Cercetare și Educație Dvorec Rakičan, din Slovenia. În acest moment, trei voluntari români, membri ASIRYS, efectuează mobilităţi de 11 luni, respectiv 7 luni. Stagiul de voluntariat va dura 7 luni şi se va desfăşura în perioada 20 noiembrie 2017 - 20 iunie 2018. Toate costurile sunt acoperite de organizaţia gazdă prin programul european: mese, cazare, transport (în limita a 275 euro), bani de buzunar (85 euro/lună). Cazarea se va face într-una din camerele castelului, care deţine un hotel.     Proiectul are ca temă centrală natura şi protecţia mediului, însă organizaţia oferă numeroase oportunităţi de dezvoltare personală şi profesională, implementând numeroase proiecte de educaţie, turism, cultură şi incluziune socială. Printre activităţile