
Se afișează postări din iulie, 2015

Infopack EurHope

YOUTH EXCHANGE- INFOPACK 28 JULY – 4 AUGUST (ARRIVAL ON 27TH AND DEPARTURE ON 5TH) OVIEDO, SPAIN. Dear participants, WELCOME TO EurHope INFOPACK!!!! In this pages you’ll find some information about the Youth Exchange, some practicalities about the logistics and also a reminder about things to prepare before your departure. We are sure you already know most of it, but we think it can be useful to refresh some details!   ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE   All the groups are expected to arrive at Oviedo on July 27th and leave the project on the 5th August (from early in the morning, if needed for travel arrangements). According to your arrival time, we’re arranging things to pick you up at Oviedo bus station or airport. Note! If you haven’t informed our organization about your exact arrival and departure time, it’s extremely important that you send all your travel details at sau as soon as possible and anyway before Wednesday 22nd (by 13.00).

Maratonul Evenimentelor Creative

În luna aprilie, am dat startul "Centrului de Voluntariat Tîrgu Frumos". Proiectul îşi propune dezvoltarea prin voluntariat a comunităţii Tîrgu Frumos şi va implica peste 120 de voluntari din Tîrgu Frumos, Iaşi, Paşcani şi zonele rurale limitrofe. Voluntarii vor organiza cel puţin 200 de evenimente, iar cei mai activi dintre ei, vor merge în luna februarie, într-o tabără de o săptămână, în munți, unde vor lucra la strategia de dezvoltare a organizației și a orașului.  În acest moment, după 3 luni de proiect, avem un centru minunat, în care am organizat deja 35 de evenimente! Tot ce s-a realizat deține amprenta fiecărui voluntar care s-a implicat, de la desenele de pe pereți, la cauciucurile reciclate sau mesele, dulapurile improvizate; în interior sunt multe obiecte donate: război de țesut, o canapea, oale de lut, umbrele, borcane, discuri de vinil... toate se îmbină. Iar partea frumoasă e că Centrul de Voluntariat evoluează. Cu fiecare nou voluntar, cu fiecare inițiativă

Pohoda means peace, ease, contentment

In the last ten years Europe has experienced significant explosion in the number, popularity and quality of summer festivals. European festivals grew from small, intimate events in countryside, tiny villages or castles, to huge, headline affairs. The trend have expanded from a one genre focus to multi-media content, the audience had grew in its numbers and also became multicultural. Europe now has a huge amount of festivals which young Europeans literally cross their continent for.  Censorship, oppression of culture and civil society pronouncement have inhibited open, organized gatherings of people that have blocked any attempts for open air cultural activities beyond the scope of the socialist regime. Eastern and Central European countries have been left behind the late 20th century boom of summer music festivals. The first summer festivals in the Eastern part of Europe have popped up in shy family atmospheres of enthusiastic organizers and their fellows circuits. In contrary, the