Media Training for Youth Organizations - Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Căutăm 1 participant pentru a ne reprezenta la trainingul "Media Training for Youth Organizations", proiect care se va desfăşura în Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, în perioada 23 - 30 mai 2014. Mai multe detalii despre proiect puteţi găsi mai jos.

Pentru a aplica este nevoie să parcurgeţi 3 paşi:

  •  să ne trimiteţi o prezentare personală împreună cu o fotografie
  •  să ne propuneţi şi să realizaţi cel puţin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, în cadrul organizaţiei noastre (atenţie: voi sunteţi cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizată înainte de a pleca în proiect, iar SUPER TINERI trebuie implicată),
  •  să ne trimiteţi un plan de implicare în diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat după ce vă veţi întoarce în ţară.
Adresa la care trebuie să ne trimiteţi aplicaţia voastră este

Vă rugăm să luaţi în considerare următoarele aspecte:

- înainte de aplica, asiguraţi-vă că ştiţi ce presupune un proiect internaţional, în acest sens citiţi cu atenţie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) şi acest articol:
- dacă vor fi mai multe solicitări, îi vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanţi, totuşi dacă aţi realizat activităţi, veţi primi un anumit punctaj care vă va asigura un loc în alte proiecte pentru care veţi aplica,

- organizaţia noastră nu percepe niciun fel de taxă de participare; cazarea şi masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat în proporţie de 70% de către organizaţia din Grecia,
- după finalizarea trainingului veţi completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului şi veţi implementa activităţile de diseminare pe care ni le-aţi propus. 

Media Training for Youth Organisation is international Training Course project that will be hosted  by Omladinski Savjet Istocna Ilidza. Project will offer to 30 young leaders and youth workers from  10 European countries: Greece, Romania, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia,
Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina possibility to learn about different elements of media  appliance, public relations and communication with citizens by youth organisation with particular  goal to empower young people especially those from marginalized groups to participate in society, use creativity and become entrepreneurs. Experienced trainers will use following forms of non formal education: brainstorming, simulations, role play, discussions, debates, presentations...

Project will be hosted from 23 until 30. 05. 2014 in Trebinje.

Training course will be organized in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 

Trebinje (Cyrillic: Требиње) is the southernmost municipality and city in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

It is a part of the Republika Srpska entity and is located in southeastern Herzegovina, some 20 km from the Adriatic Sea. The city was first mentioned in the 10th century. All services needed from this activity, like police, medical help and other security structures are available in Trebinje.

 Accomodation and food:
Project covers 100% of accomodation and food costs. Participants will be accomodate in 

The organisers will reimburse 70% of travel cost on the basis of the cheapest possibilities, ex.
Second class railway ticket, APEX – flights, etc.
Reimbursement of travel costs will only be done upon presentation the original tickets with
boarding passes and receipt/invoices.
Following the guide lines of the YiA programme the travel back must be realised by the participants
on direct way within maximum 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel
etc.) there is no chance of reimbursement of travel costs.

Missing tickets will not be reimbursed. Reimbursement will be done in EUR during TC, regardless of the currency indicated on your ticket and receipt/invoice. Please note if you bought your ticket in your local currency which might be different than EUR, we will calculate your travel costs according to the exchange rates from official European Commission web-site for the month of ticket purchase


Once we get this information we will immediately confirm you to buy the tickets.
Taxi is not eligible mean of transport, however there are few exeptions. Please contact us if taxi is only mean of trasport that you can use on some part of your travel. 

How to get:
It is easy to reach:
 from Belgrade (Serbia) by bus at 17:45 and at 21:15.
 from Herceg Novi (Montenegro) by bus at 06:30, 10:50 and at 16:45.
 from Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina) by bus at 13:00.
 from Sarajevo (east part) (Bosnia and Herzegovina) by bus at 07:45.
 from Dubrovnik (Croatia) by bus at 05:30, 13:45, 20:30.

Each partner will send 3 participants, preferably at least one person of different sex (two male and one female or two female and one male).
Participants should be young leaders or youth workers. There is no age limit, but participants should be over 18.


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